
“They want an easement, but I won’t give it to them. They will have to expropriate it.”

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“They want an easement, but I won’t give it to them. They will have to expropriate it.”  Middlesex-Lambton Wind Action Group:

By Heather Wright Sarnia this Week

PLYMPTON-WYOMING – In a flood of people concerned about the effects of wind turbines, Paul Marsh stands out. And it isn’t just because he’s holding a picket sign.

Marsh lives in Sylvan – a community south east of Thedford just over the Middlesex County line. He, too, says he will be affected by the 62 turbine Cedar Point Wind Power project in Plympton-Wyoming.

Marsh won’t be too close to the turbines and it’s unlikely he’ll be able to see them since his 30 acre property is filled with trees.

What he will notice is a power transmission line which will run the length of his corner lot property.

“The transmission lines which are going to take the power from here will go right by my house,”

Read the entire article at the Middlesex-Lambton Wind Action Group website